What is your greatest priority in life?

We begin the New Year with a new sermon series entitles ‘Ducks in a row in 2025’. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Ian Stride.

Ducks in a row in 2025

Matthew 10:34-39

Nathan Gordon

Ian Stride

Sermon Notes

The Situation
– Counting the cost of following Christ  

Life Application – Thankfully, today, we are blessed not to endure the physical threats of persecution for following Jesus in the UK. However, we still face challenges in different ways as we serve Christ in the world. Whether it’s pressure from the world, work, family, or friends, be encouraged that serving Jesus is the greatest thing we could ever do.

The Complication
– Where is Jesus on our calendar? – 10:34-38

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me…

Life Application – We live in a world that is very different from that of the first disciples of Jesus. It’s not practical for everyone to leave their jobs and go into the mission field, and God understands that. However, there are various ways we can prioritise the Kingdom of God in our lives. We should ensure that our number one priority is to worship, serve, and please God.

Resolution and Celebration
– Putting Christ at the centre of our lives sharpens our focus and helps us prioritise what truly matters.10:39, Matt 22:36-40 & Matt 6:33

Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

Life Application – We are not meant to be so heavenly-minded that we are of no earthly good. However, overindulging in what the world has to offer can lead us to prioritise other things above our greatest priority: Jesus. This year, let’s commit to putting God first above all other priorities and allow Him to guide us in managing everything else in our lives.


1. Read Matthew 10:1-15. Which aspects of the disciples’ mission were specific to their context, and which elements apply to mission in every generation and every context?

2. Read Matthew 10:28-33. How can Jesus’ reassurance about God’s care during persecution provide comfort in your personal challenges?

3. Read Matthew 10:28. What does it mean to fear God rather than people, and how can you apply this principle in your life?

4. How can we demonstrate the kind of commitment Jesus expects of His disciples in our context today?

5. What does it mean to take up your cross and follow Jesus in today’s context?

6. Read Matthew 10:34-39. What examples have you seen of commitment to Jesus causing challenges within families or friendships?