Sunday July 25th 2021. We continue with our sermon series entitled ‘Nehemiah’. With preaching from Nathan Gordon and our (virtual) service led by Beverley Sills.

We continue with our sermon series entitled ‘Nehemiah’. With preaching from Nathan Gordon and our (virtual) service led by Beverley Sills.

After 52 days Nehemiah and the Israelites completed the mission of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Defying opposition they were able to rebuild the walls for the glory and honour of God.

Next week – Alan will be preaching about the great celebration that took place after the completion of the task, however, before there was celebration there needed to be restoration and before there was jubilation there needed to be consecration.

The external walls were now looking the part but what about the internal spiritual condition of the Israelites? Nehemiah had successfully mobilised a committed team of workers who were diligent in their efforts of rebuilding the walls under extreme pressure, however, God was interested in more than just Jerusalem looking the part on the outside.

1 Tim 4:8 [NIV]

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

If you are looking for an internal renovation in your life that deepens your relationship with God, consider the following points from Nehemiah chapter 9.

Get Back to basics – verse 1-6

Action speaks louder than words – Verse 38

Like the Israelites sometimes we may take for granted the very blessings God has provided for us without acknowledging God in our lives. We are often tempted to rely on wealth for security rather than on the God who makes it possible. As you see what happened to the Israelites, look at your own life. Do your blessings make you thankful to God and draw you closer to him, or do they make you feel self-sufficient and forgetful of God?

Consider the words from the hymn writer – E A Hoffman

Is thine heart right with God?
Washed in the crimson flood
Cleansed and made holy, humble, and lowly
Right in the sight of God?

Is there no more condemnation for Sin?
Is thy heart right with God?
Does Jesus rule the temple within?
Is thy heart right with God?

Are all thy powers under Jesus’ control?
Is thy heart right with God?
Does He each moment abide in their soul?
Is thy heart right with God?

HG Questions

  1. What do we learn in Nehemiah chapter 9 about the Lord? Identity all the other “You ARE” statements that are made in this chapter.
  2. Why is confession of our sins to God so important, and what does it do for our daily walk with the Lord? (V1-4)
  3. How does recalling the mighty works of God throughout history help each generation seek the Lord during their times of testing? (V9-15)
  4. How do you respond to knowing that God will love you and remain faithful to you, no matter how often you fail him?
  5. Why do we at times find ourselves in the same pattern as the Israelites — again doing evil before the Lord? (V28)
  6. Why are commitments so important, and why do you think the leaders, the Levites, and the priests sealed that covenant with the Lord? (V38)

Sermon Details

Sermon Title: How important is God in our lives?
Bible Reading: Nehemiah 9:1-6, 38
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills

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