Changes to the church website are due imminently. What will change, what will stay the same and why the changes were neccessary.
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Why the changes?
The framework we use as the foundation of our website has undergone major changes. These affect how users and developers interact with it.
These major changes were the motivation behind updating the website and provided an opportunity to come up with a more modern design. I created the current design back in October 2021.
What has changed?
You will notice cosmetic changes to the colour scheme. This was done to provide a consistent ‘look and feel’, regardless of whether the device you are using is in light mode or dark mode.
Catering more for mobile users
Almost half of visitors to the SBC website use their mobile phone devices to view content, so changes to navigation have been made with this in mind. The long navigation menu found at the right side of the current design will be removed in favour of something more ‘tap/touch’ friendly.
Navigation has been simplified as much as possible, which has led to a more modern design and is more mobile friendly.
Updated page content
Many of the pages have been reformatted to include useful and more up to date information across the website. These pages will continue to be updated as time and new information present themselves.
What has not changed
When it comes to the layout of the service posts on the home page, I have tried to keep things unchanged, with only some minor cosmetic changes applied.
This layout continues to adapt well on various devices, whether that be desktop, tablet or mobile.
Going forward
I’m hoping to add NEW features as time allows, features that will provide more relevant and useful information to our congregation, and to those searching the Internet, who simply want to find out more about SBC.