Sunday May 16th 2021. We continue our new sermon series entitled ‘Unity’, with preaching from Alan Cole and our (virtual) service led by David Casse.

We continue our new sermon series entitled ‘Unity’, with preaching from Alan Cole and our (virtual) service led by David Casse.
This service also includes Communion.
Sermon Notes
In verse 1, David says “I rejoiced with those who said to me ‘let us go to the house of the Lord.’! Why should we look forward to meeting with one another in the church building again?
- We meet in order to praise God and pray together, (Psalm 122:4, 149:1; 150:1). While it is possible to worship God and pray individually in our homes, we are also commanded in Psalms to praise God in His house. Worship comes from the heart, and that is often easier when we are with other Christians.
- There is a certain discipline in going to church (Psalm 122:1). We have to plan to be there. If we just tune in whenever we feel like it, we are liable to forget as the pressures of the world crowd in upon us. David made a great deal of effort going to the Lord’s sanctuary in order to worship him. In the New Testament, Christians met together on the Lord’s Day Acts 2:46.
- We are saved to serve one another. (Psalm 122:9; Matthew 25:40.) Service is defined as worship in Romans 12:2. God has given each of us spiritual gifts in order to effectively function as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12). Whilst some services can be performed online, the majority, whether spiritual or practical, need to be done in person.
- We go to church to have fellowship with one another. (Psalm 122:4). Whilst we can contact each other with phone calls and emails, we find joy in actually meeting together, encouraging one another and building up each other’s faith. (1 Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrews 10:24/5.)
- We go to church in order to serve and witness to our community. Activities such as street pastors, contact centre and food bank cannot be done online. We need to meet and serve together.
- The church needs to evangelise (Matthew 28:19/20.) While personal witness is important, we can also invite people to church services and activities like the Alpha course – these need to be done communally.
Being a Christian involves so much more than simply listening to, or attending the morning service. God wants us to work for Him, to grow in faith and knowledge and to help others. This is most effectively done in the context of the local church.
We look forward to welcoming you all back to the church building when restrictions are lifted!
Sermon Details
Sermon Title: Why should I go to church when I can watch the service on Facebook?
Bible Reading: Psalm 122
Preacher: Alan Cole
Worship Leader: David Casse