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Who was Jesus?



On Palm Sunday Jesus was nearing the end of His earthly ministry, but people were still unsure about who He was and what He had come to do. People are still uncertain how to regard Jesus today.

  1. The crowd thought He was a conquering King who had come to save Israel from the Romans.
  2. The religious leaders thought He was an imposter – a threat to their authority and established way of life.
  3. The disciples were confused. They acknowledged that Jesus was Son of God, but did not understand the significance of Easter week.
  4. Jesus knew that this was the climax of His life on earth – the lead up to His death and resurrection.

Who do we regard Jesus as today?

  1. For Christians, He is first and foremost our Saviour. He died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday to assure us of life after death.
  2. Jesus wants to be King and Lord of our lives – but sometimes we allow sin or selfish ambition to get in the way.
  3. Jesus wants to be our friend and our teacher through His Holy Spirit, so that we may grow in faith and know His guidance and companionship through our lives.
  4. Jesus may sometimes be seen as a threat to the status quo or our comfortable lifestyle. Discipleship can be costly – but brings great rewards.


Service Details

Theme: Who was Jesus?
Reading: Luke 19: 28-44
Preacher: Alan Cole
Led by: Richard Sills

Download Sermon Here




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