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Who really is Jesus?

We continue our NEW sermon series exploring the foundations of the Christian faith. Preaching from Nathan Gordon and our service will be led by Brian Dickson.

Sermon Notes

“Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (4v41)

It is important to get the identity of Jesus right – otherwise we’ll relate to him in the wrong way.

Mark reveals the identity of Jesus by showing:

  1. His power and authority to teach (1v21-22)
  2. His power and authority over sickness (1v29-31,32-34, 3v22)
  3. His power and authority over nature (4v35-41;

Also Psalm 107v23-31

4.    His power and authority over death (5v21-24, 35-43)

5. His power and authority to forgive sin (2v1-12)

As God’s Son and God’s only chosen King, Jesus behaves with God’s authority and display God’s power.

Follow up Reading:- Read Mark 3v7-5v43

In this passage Marks records Jesus doing four specific miracles:

  • Calming a Storm (4v35-41)
  • Healing a demon possessed man (5v1-20)
  • Healing a sick woman (5v25-34)
  • Raising a dead girl to life (5v35-43)

What does Jesus show authority over in these events?

How does this add to what we have already seen about his power and authority in earlier chapters?

When Jairus’ daughter died, and all hope seemed lost (5v35), what did Jesus ask Jairus to do?

Was that a “reasonable” thing to ask?

How do we respond to Jesus?


Looking at the four events in the extended reading– what are the different ways in which people respond to Jesus?

A) 4v40-41

B) 5v15


D) 5v42

Do you see yourself in any of these responses?

Do you see these responses when you speak to others about Jesus?

Has re-reading Mark 3v7-5v43 reminded you of anything, or sparked any questions in your own mind?

Has anything leapt out, even if you have read these verses many times before?

Service Details

Sermon Title: Who really is Jesus?
Bible Reading: Mark 4
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Brian Dickson

Download Sermon here

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