We continue our NEW sermon series entitled “Tough Questions Jesus Asked”. Preaching from Brian Dickson. Service led by Nathan Gordon.
Sermin Notes
For this sermon, we will be looking at the verses preceding the well-known story of ‘The good Samaritan’.
The context of which, is the discourse between an expert of the Old Testament law (the Lawyer), and Jesus.
Testing your knowledge of the Scriptures
Often in life, we will come across times of testing. Situations which cause us to stop and consider carefully what is before us.
These situations might be anything from the mundane to those more vital. However, when it comes to spiritual matters, we need to take extra care.
Dazzled by position & authority?
If you find yourself being quizzed on a matter you are not confident in, how do you normally react?
- Do you just accept what is said, as the person ‘must know what they are talking about, because of their position’?
- Would you try to appear as though you are fully conversant, and try and ‘blag’ your way through?
It shouldn’t matter if you are being tested on a spiritual matter by someone with a Christian background, or if a non-Christian is trying to trap you into a situation because of your faith. The best solution is the same, but how you choose to respond is down to you.
What do the scriptures say?
Unfortunately, too many fail to understand the importance of the Holy Scriptures, and often dismiss them as something ‘not very relevant for us today’. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Jesus often quoted Scripture or got his audience to focus on the Scriptures.
So, what’s the point of the Bible?
- They contain the very Words of God.
- They tell us who God is and what he is like.
- They point us to God’s grace, salvation and eternal life.
- They show us how God wants us to live holy before him.
Do you justify yourself?
We can run into the danger of thinking that we are good, that we know what we are doing, and we know right from wrong. Beware, such thinking is dangerous….
- The sin of pride is never far from your door.
- When we seek to justify ourselves, we frustrate God’s grace.
The Holy Scriptures are not easily embraced by everyone. Parts of scripture may even be offensive and seem contrary to modern culture.
However, Jesus would ask you ‘What do the scriptures say’? They are the very words of God. To reject them, is to reject what God wants you to know and do.
Questions for further study
- Are there certain people in the church and in society, who are exalted simply because of their position. Who are they and why are they exalted?
- Is there a difference in scripture, between exalting somebody and honouring somebody?
- What can we learn from the discourse between Jesus and the Lawyer, that would benefit us in daily life? (vs 25-26).
- Is there anything in the story of the Good Samaritan, that the Lawyer would have found difficult to accept, and if so, why would Jesus have mentioned it?
- Discuss why some scriptures are difficult to accept within churches today, the dangers of rejecting them or sweeping them under the carpet.
- Give examples of how the Scriptures keep us from spiritual error in modern Britain.
- Discuss ways in which the Scriptures have helped you navigate difficult times in your life.
Service Details
Sermon Title: What do the scriptures say?
Bible Reading: Luke 10:25-37
Preacher: Brian Dickson
Worship Leader: Nathan Gordon