We continue our sermon series on things to watch out for. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Beverley Sills.
Sermon Series
What is complacency?
A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous. It’s one who will rest on their laurels – Collins
What does the Bible have to say about complacency?
The Bible includes examples where nations or people became satisfied living in sin and rebellion. Jesus also warned his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane to remain vigilant and prayerful because of the frailty of human flesh (Matt 26:40-41).
The Situation
– How’s the wait going? Matt 25:14-30
Jesus tells the story of an owner (Master) and three servants who teach us a very important lesson about the right and wrong attitude in waiting for the return of Christ.
One of the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith is the expectation of Jesus Christ’s glorious return for the second time. There has been much debate and several bold claims about the exact date of Jesus’ return. However, the Bible is clear that only the Father knows the precise time when the Son of God will return.
The question is: How are we preparing for the return of Jesus Christ?
Are we investing our time, talents, and treasures to serve God and build his Kingdom?
The Complication
– Are you resting on your laurels?
His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed?
Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned, I would have received it back with interest.
– Matt 25:26-27
- The third man who received one bag of gold decided to be content with what he had received and hid the investment.
Challenge – Are we utilizing the gifts and talents God has blessed us with? Or are we burying them instead of using them for God’s glory?
The Resolution
– All talents and abilities are welcome – Matt 25:15, 27
- Verse 15 states that the bags of gold were distributed according to the abilities of each servant.
- How might the servant have felt while watching the other two receive more bags of gold than himself?
- Could it be that he felt insecure about his ability to be effective?
Challenge – Sometimes, we may look at the gifts and abilities of others and feel insignificant. We might even wonder how we can get involved and make a difference in the church. Remember, all gifts and abilities are welcome, and God has a place for everyone to be effective in His kingdom.
Conclusion – Spiritual complacency can cause our relationship with Christ to become stagnant. Jesus wants us to flourish in our connection with God and has important work for his church to do in this world. Let’s take inspiration from the attitude of the first two servants who put their talents to work for the Master.
But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.
James 2:18
- The third man negatively perceived his master (see Matt 25:24-25). What are some of the misconceptions and negative views about the character of God in the world today?
- Following from the first question, what scriptures come to mind about God’s character that address these misconceptions?
- The Master was not interested in the numerical worth of the return, but he was pleased with the faithfulness of the two men who served well. How can we be faithful with whatever we have or can do for the kingdom of God?
- How can the church facilitate the giftings and abilities of all people, age groups, and backgrounds and put them to work for the glory of God?
- Read verse 30. Some may suggest the master’s dealings with the servant were harsh. Why do you think Jesus used such strong words as an illustration of eternal separation?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Watch out for complacency
Bible Reading: Matthew 25:14-30
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills