This week we take a look at the disciples on Easter Sunday. Preaching from Brian Dickson. Service led by Terri Whiston.
Sermon Notes
We have just finished celebrating Easter. It is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, even though its prescription is not found within the pages of the Bible.
As the Apostle Paul said, if there is no resurrection, your faith is in vain. It is the SINGLE foundation on which the whole of Christianity is laid upon. Without the resurrection of Christ, there would be no permanent forgiveness of sins and no hope of everlasting life.
Despite this issue being so foundational and so important, it is perhaps one of the hardest doctrines for people to believe in.
A bodily resurrection – is it possible?
Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
1 Corinthians 15:12 (NKJV)
Non-Christians are happy to accept that Jesus existed, that he did good things. They draw the line however at any idea of Jesus being raised from the dead, simply because it is not something they experience in their daily lives.
Even those that profess to be Christians find it difficult to accept the idea of permanent resurrection, according to some recent surveys.
The need for proof and reaffirmation
A Christian’s faith is unlikely to be constant and steady. We all go through peaks, valleys, seasons and dry spells.
When our faith is weakened it is the most testing of times, which can leave us struggling with hope; our relationship with God grows colder and the promise of eternal life grows dim.
Often, we are aware we are going through a time of struggle, and turn to things that provide evidence, things that reaffirm our faith.
The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” So he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”
John 20:25 (NKJV)
Are you still living like it’s Good Friday?
God has provided many things….
as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue
2 Peter 1:3 (NKJV)
Faith in Jesus brings hope, the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, the love and care of God and an inheritance that will never fade away.
Jesus is not dead; his body is not to be found in any grave. Our focus should never remain on Good Friday, but our lives should be filled like it’s Easter Sunday. The day Jesus rose from the dead and is alive forever more, and our life and hope is in him.
Questions for further study
- Jesus told his disciples on multiple occasions that he was going to be killed and then raised to life on the third day; why do you think the disciples struggled to accept this is on Easter Sunday, before he appeared to them?
- Is there anything in the Christian faith that you find challenging to accept and which has caused you to struggle in your faith?
- what happened to bring you back closer to God?
- What are some evidences that point to a resurrected Christ?
- What is the thing that most draws you closer to God in your daily life?
- How often do you think of your heavenly reward and promise of eternal life, is it something we need to remind ourselves more often?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Visible Proof of the Resurrection of Christ
Bible Reading: John 20:19-31
Preacher: Brian Dickson
Worship Leader: Terri Whiston