The next in a series of messages looking at the original 12 disciples of Jesus under the general heading of – “How God uses the average to achieve the amazing.”
The service will also include communion and reception into membership
THOMAS – More than just a doubter?
The Apostle Thomas was quite a remarkable personality in the Bible despite him only being mentioned once in the Gospel account of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Thomas was one of the 12 disciples that were called by Jesus to become apostles (One who is sent out). Luke also mentioned Thomas as being present in Jerusalem whilst he along with about 120 were praying in the upper room. (Acts 1:15)
John’s account of the Gospel, however, portrays Thomas in more detail and records some very concise yet intriguing words uttered from the mouth of Thomas who was nicknamed ‘Didymus’ in Greek which is translated ‘Twin’
Thomas however after his post-resurrection encounter with Jesus would later adopt another nickname that is commonly attributed to Thomas even today ‘Doubting Thomas’ Thomas insisted that unless he saw the nail marks in his hands and place his finger where the nails were, and also touch his side, he would not believe.
However, does Thomas really deserve to be nicknamed Doubting Thomas? is there more to his character and personality that could be overlooked?
As we look at 3 accounts of Thomas this morning let’s see if Thomas has more to say through the scriptures than just the sentiments of a doubter.
Sarcasm, fear or bravery? – John 11:1-16
Questions for clarity concerning eternal life – John 14:1-7
Another dimension of doubt – John 20:19-29
Points to Consider….
– Doubt does not always mean a lack of faith
– Doubt can harm faith when our doubts lead to stubbornness and pride
– If doubt leads to questions, and questions lead to answers then doubt has done some good work. (20:28-29)
Service Details
Theme: Thomas – More than just a doubter?
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Led by: Chris Hughes