Sunday Morning – October 10th 2021. We continue to look into the book of Ephesians. Preaching from Ed Ball and our worship service will be led by Beverley Sills.

We continue with our sermon series based on the book of Ephesians.

Preaching from Ed Ball and our worship service will be led by Beverley Sills.
This service will also include the baptisms of JJ Bailliet and Sheila Cotter.
Sermon Notes
Chapter 2 can be examined with a microscope of a telescope! It is possible to preach a sermon on each of the 22 verses in this chapter! But equally well, one can take out the main points from the chapter and show the contrast between the THEN and the NOW in the Christian life, In the sermon we will look at how God intervenes in our life to make a startling, thorough and eternity long change to our situation. In this chapter we can see how a person is able to be brought to life in Christ. We also see the marvellous blessings that salvation brings to the believer. But we will also see how we have been created for a new life and a new lifestyle in the church.
We see that Ephesians is all about God’s Great Intervention in world history and in our own personal history. Paul brings out the marvellous transition from things as they were THEN to things as they are NOW.
Ephesians 2v4 , Ephesians 2 v 13
- The biography of the dead sinner THEN Ephesians 2 v4 contrasted with those who have been made alive NOW Ephesians 2 v 4-10
- The position/location of the person outside of Christ THEN Ephesians 2 v 13-16 Contrasted with the position/location of the person in Christ NOW
- The citizenship of the Ephesians (and us) when separate from Christ. (Ephesians 2 v2; Ephesians 2 v 12 THEN and our citizenship in Christ NOW.
Questions for House groups:
- Paul says “You followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. (v2)” How would you explain that the “Ways of this World” are wrong to your non-Christian friends? And how would you explain Satan’s influence upon unbelievers?
- How would you explain briefly, the gospel, to a non-Christian using verse 1 and v 4-7?
- What “good works” is Paul talking about, in Ephesians 2 v10 (Hint Col_1:10; 2Th_2:17; 1Ti_2:10, 1Ti_5:10,). Do you think that this is an emphasis that is missing sometimes from our lives? How can we go about getting the right balance in our Christian lives?
- Paul says in Eph 2:14: “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,” How should we apply this idea, in practice, to the question of racism in society? How do we try to make out church an example of “the new humanity” (v14)? What are the problems in the way of this?
- Why is active participation in a local church (in worship, fellowship, prayer, service and witness) central to the building up of the world– wide church—of Christ’s body?
Sermon Details
Sermon Title: Then and Now
Bible Reading: Ephesians 2
Preacher: Ed Ball
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills
Sermon Audio Download