This weekend we conclude our sermon series entitled ‘Joy Bringers’. Preaching comes from Chris Hughes.
Just as a river has a source, so too does the joy experienced by the believer, which the Bible strongly links to the third person of the Trinity (Luke 10 v 21, Acts 13 v 52, Romans 14 v 17 & 1 Thessalonians 1 v 6.)
But if the Holy Spirit is the well spring of joy then it begs the uncomfortable question as to why so many Christians seem joy deficient? Could it be that they do not have enough of the Spirit, and that the Spirit does not have enough of them (Ephesians 5 v 18.)
Challenge – Are you filled with, and going on being filled with the Spirit?
To be continually filled with the Spirit there is a need to win the spiritual war that rages within the life of every believer between the two opposing natures of the flesh and the Spirit (Galatians 5 v 17 & Romans 7 v 14 – 25.)
If the flesh is in the ascendency the result will be acts of the sinful nature in the areas of the sexual, false worship, relational strife, and alcohol. But if the Spirit is winning the battle the result will be character transformation via spiritual fruit covering those relationships to God, to others, as well as to ourselves.
Challenge – Who is winning the spiritual battle in your life, is it the flesh or is it the Spirit?
If the Spirit is to be victorious then you will need to co-operate with him (Philippians 2 v 12 – 13) by doing two things: –
1 – Attend your own funeral
Believe that when Jesus died on the cross, not only did he take your sin with him he also took you as well! Not only did he pay the penalty for your sin he also broke the power of sin over your life. You need to accept what has happened in principle and get on with working it out by faith in practice (Romans 6 v 11.)
2 – Align your own footsteps
You need to “live by the Spirit” by doing what the Spirit desires (Romans 8 v 5); you need to be “led by the Spirit” who will guide you in all truth (John 16 v 12); and you need to “keep in step with the Spirit” by walking with him in unison and perfect harmony.
Challenge – Have you attended your own funeral where you died to the sinful nature? And are your footsteps aligned with those of the Spirit of God?
Personal Questions
1 – Do you regard yourself as a joyful Christian? If the answer is yes, then why? If the answer is no, then why not?
2 – Do you regard yourself as a Christ like Christian? If the answer is yes, then why? If the answer is no, then why not?
Sermon Details
Title: The well spring of joy
Reading: Galatians 5 v 16 – 26
Preacher: Chris Hughes