Sunday Morning: January 19th 2020 – 10:30 am. Continuing the sermon series entitled “Sketches of the Son of God”. Service led by Nathan Gordon.
The second in a new series of sermons entitled “Sketches of the Son of God” looking at some of the portraits of Jesus in John’s Gospel. The service will also include communion.
The Story.
Jesus and his disciples are guests at a wedding in Cana of Galilee; Jesus not being a “party pooper” but one who enjoyed a celebration or two! (See – Luke 5 v 27 – 32 & Luke 7 v 36 – 50.) All of a sudden disaster struck in that the wine ran out and the festivities were in danger of grinding to a halt and the family humiliated!
Call for Jesus, who instructs the servants to fill 6 stone jars with water, then to draw some of the liquid and take it to the master of the feast for him to taste. Having sampled it, and not knowing that the water had been turned into wine, he proclaimed it to be the best wine of the banquet.
Some take home truths.
- Was Jesus an invited guest at your wedding? How involved is he in your marriage today?
- “Do whatever he tells you.” What a great motto for the Christian. How obedient are you to the words of Jesus?
- How willing are you to co-operate with Jesus when it comes to him performing miracles? (See – John 6 v 9 & 12; John 9 v 7; & John 11 v 39.)
- This story is not to be used as justification for becoming a “wine bibber.” For while the Bible does not ban the drinking of alcohol, it does condemn drunkenness (Romans 13 v 13 & Galatians 5 v 21.)
What was the PURPOSE of this first miracle?
No teaching follows it, as in the case of many of the other miracles (See – the healing at the pool – John 5 & the feeding of the 5000 – John 6.) The key to its purpose is to be found in the very last verse of the narrative – “He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.” It was to convince his new and “wet behind the ears” disciples that he truly was the Son of God, enabling them to fully place their trust in him.
What was the POINT of this first miracle?
John in his Gospel prefers to use the word “Sign” as opposed to “miracle.” Now a sign points beyond itself to something greater, all of which suggests that the inner meaning of this story has something to say to Israel, who in the Old Testament were pictured as being married to God. So:-
The Water – This represents the Jewish faith with its emphasis on external cleansing and obeying rules and regulations to make a person acceptable to God.
The Wine – This represents Kingdom faith which says that it is no longer about self effort, but it is God’s unconditional love and grace that makes a person acceptable to him.
Challenge – Are you still drinking from the water of self effort; of have you tasted the new wine of the kingdom of grace?
Service Details
Theme: “The sign in the wine!”
Reading: John 2 v 1 – 11
Preacher: Chris Hughes
Led by: Nathan Gordon