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Jesus’ outstretched hands to give life

The second in our series of sermons under the general heading of – “the outstretched hand of Jesus”.

Jesus’ outstretched hands to give life.

Raising people from the dead is the greatest miracle of all. It only
occurred 5 times in scripture – on three occasions by Jesus (The son
of the widow of Nain – Luke 7; the daughter of the synagogue
ruler – Luke 8 and Lazarus – Luke 11). However, a much greater
miracle will occur when Christ returns when millions will be raised
from the dead.

As with all miracles the primary purpose was to give glory to God,
but also they were performed because Jesus had compassion for
the people, to authenticate the gospel message and turn people
to God.

The resurrection of Jesus is the forerunner of our own resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:4-7.

The resurrection is the centre of our faith – without it Christianity
is useless and a fraud. 1 Corinthians 15:14.

The resurrection, and the three stories in the gospels, demonstrate
Jesus’ power over death. 1 Corinthians 15:21-28.

We will rise again, either to receive our rewards in heaven, or to
face the judgement seat of Christ. Revelation 20:17-19.

Jesus offers us life now – how do we respond?



Service Details

Theme: Jesus’ outstretched hands to give life
Reading: Luke 7 v 11 – 16
Led by: Beverley Sills
Preacher: Alan Cole

Download Sermon Here





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