Sunday Morning – September 19th 2021. This week we conclude our sermon series ‘Suffering Job’. Preaching from Alan Cole and our worship service will be led by Richard Sills.

This week we conclude our sermon series ‘Suffering Job’. Preaching from Alan Cole and our worship service will be led by Richard Sills.
This service will also include Communion.
Sermon Notes
The greatness of God
As Christians we often tend to under-estimate the power of God to intervene in our personal lives. As Job suffered, he started to doubt both the power of God and doubted the fact that He was even concerned about him. In the final chapters of the book, God reveals Himself in three ways,
God has power (chapters 40 & 41). God reminds Job that He has created the universe, nature and the whole of the environment. Not only has God created them, but He sustains them as well. Colossians 1 15-17; Hebrews 1:2. However, God also cares for the individual sparrow and He holds us in His hand, God also will protect His people. Genesis 28:15; John 17:11. God also has the power to protect us from the attacks of Satan. With Job the devil was told he could go far and no further. (Job 1 & 2) In John 10 Jesus is the Good Shepherd and it is His task to protect the sheep from the attacks of the enemy,
God has a plan. (Job 42:1-6) To Job, his suffering had no meaning – he could not understand why He was suffering. God has His plan of salvation, and He has a plan for each of us. This plan may involve suffering which we may not understand at the time, but God will eventually reveal His purposes to us, (1Peter 1:3-8)
God makes provision. (Job 42:10-16). God restored Job’s fortune to Him. He restored both His material possessions and also gave him a new family. Not only does God give us the physical things that we need, but He has also given us His word and the promise of eternal life. To echo Job “in my flesh, I will see my God.”
Sermon Details
Sermon Title: The Greatness of God
Bible Reading: Job ch 40-42
Preacher: Alan Cole
Worship Leader: Richard Sills