We begin a brand new Sermon Series this week. Preaching from Nathan Gordon and our service led by Beverley Sills.
Sermon Notes
To some degree, all of us at various points in our lives take on the role of a provider. Whether it’s earning a living by going to work, providing food, clothing and the various needs of your children, or whether it’s serving in charitable organisations to help people in need, or encouraging someone who is struggling.
Despite the ability of humanity being able to earn a living and provide sustenance for others in their respective household’s, it’s important to recognise that God is the source for everything we need.
Acts 17:28 – For in him we live, and move, and have our being;
Our source of provision is connected to the ultimate provider for all of humanity – Jehovah Jireh = The LORD our provider (Gen 22:14)
Elijah is a great example of trusting in the provisions of God in the most challenging of circumstances.
Our current context may not resemble word for word the climate of 1 Kings 17, however, we can look around us and see a plethora of needs in our world. Be encouraged that God our provider is still able to supply all our needs according to his riches in Glory.
1) Prophecy/Word/Direction – v1-3
– God provided a clear vision of the future
– God provided Elijah with direction
Challenge – Even in difficult seasons of our lives God is still speaking and providing His children with direction. Are we listening to his voice? Are we trusting in his perfect will or navigating our own path in our strength?
2) Sustenance/daily needs – v4-16
– Morning and Evening Elijah had enough food and drink for the day.
– God used unusual methods to provide for Elijah’s needs
Challenge – God may send provision and help from people and places we least expect it! He provides for us in ways that go beyond our narrow definitions or expectations. Like Elijah are we willing to trust God’s provision even with unusual methods?
3) Healing/Restoration – v17-24
– God often sends provision and blessings to people so they can help others in need
– Elijah from verses 1-17 experienced God as Jehovah Jireh (The LORD our provider), however from verses 17-24 The Woman and her son experienced God as Jehovah Rapha = The LORD our Healer
Challenge – God is everything we need and more than we could ever imagine according to his will. We recognise that God may not always choose to heal someone of their sickness or ailment, but His position as provider and healer never changes. Do you trust in the healing power of God who is able to restore and recover that which is broken?
1. Elijah is called to bring a message of judgement to King Ahab, and then immediately withdraw to the brook Cherith. Which literally means “cut off ravine”. What have been some of the times in your life when you have been cut off from things you value? Did you learn anything from them?
2. Do you feel cut off from your normal life at the moment? How are you responding to that? What are some of the challenges and opportunities?
3. Can you share examples of times when God has provided for you in a remarkable way?
4. In what peculiar but sufficient ways is God meeting your needs today?
5. In what way do you find it easy or difficult to obey God when you don’t know
6. what the outcome will be?
Service Details
Sermon Title: The God who provides
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 17:1-24
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills