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Serving God’s purpose right here, right now

During the service we shall be “promoting” some of our children to new Junior Church groups, as well as commissioning Bev Sills in the role of Church office Manager.


Call me sad, but I enjoy reading other peoples sermons! And here we have a real collector’s item, the Apostle Paul’s first fully recorded sermon, to which I want to take my microscope and peer at one verse – “For when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep (Acts 13 v 36.) These words remind us that while here on earth we have a twofold calling:-

1 – To serve God’s purpose.

What was God’s purpose for David? It was to succeed King Saul (1 Samuel 16 v 12); to unite the twelve tribes of Israel, and to go on and become the nation’s greatest ever king. Quite a purpose!

Will you serve God’s purpose?

No not your own purpose, but God’s purpose, by not being self centred and pursuing your own aspirations; but instead by being God centred and fulfilling his purpose for your life. But what is God’s purpose for my life?

  • To give God pleasure through WORSHIP (1 Corinthians 10 v 31.)
  • To be a part of God’s church through FELLOWSHIP (Acts 2 v 42.)
  • To mature and become more Christ like through DISCIPLESHIP (2 Corinthians 3 v 18.)
  • To use your gifts and talents through MINISTRY (Romans 12 v 5 – 6.)
  • To share your faith with others through EVANGELISM (Matthew 28 v 19.)

So seize the moment and live for God’s unchanging purpose. But when do you serve his purpose?

2 – In your own generation.

For 40 years David served his generation as king, 7 in Hebron, followed by 33 years in Jerusalem, before handing over a firmly established throne to his successor Solomon.

Will you serve God’s purpose in your generation?

Not in a past or future generation, but in the cultural context of your present generation. You are not here by accident, but by design; like Queen Esther you have been carefully located for – “such a time as this (Esther 4 v 14) to serve God’s purpose in this generation.

And like David of old you are to do this until you “fall asleep, which is the Bible’s polite and gentle way of saying before you die! And you are to do it in the strength of the one, who unlike David, – “God raised from the dead (v 37.) You serve God’s purpose not in your own strength but in the strength of the risen Christ who will empower and enable you to live that purpose driven life for the glory of God.

So go on then ……… What are you waiting for ………. Go and serve God’s purpose in this generation until he calls you home.


Service Details

Theme: “Serving God’s purpose right here, right now”
Reading: Acts 13 v 34 – 41
Preacher: Chris Hughes
Led by: Chris Hughes

Download Sermon Here


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