Sunday morning: May 14th 2017 – 10.30 am Noah was a man of faith and there were three aspects to his faith. This morning’s sermon looks at the faith of Noah, The flood and God’s heart.

Increase our faith - Luke 17:5



Do you have any regrets? Here the Bible comes as close as you can get to suggesting that God had a regret – “The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain (Genesis 6 v 6.) In response he decided to wipe out all that he had created, apart that is from Noah and his family, because he – “was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God (Genesis 6 v 9.) Noah was a man of faith and there were three aspects to his faith. It was:-

1 – A responsive faith.

“By faith, Noah when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.God informed Noah that in 120 years he was going to flood the earth and that he was to build an ark to save him and his family as well as two of all the species from the flood waters. And so moved by a “holy fear” of God and of what was to come, “Noah did everything just as God had commanded him (Genesis 6 v 22.)

ChallengeDo you have a responsive faith that hears the word of the Lord and obediently does what it says? We are not only to hear god’s Word, but to obediently implement it (Matthew 7 v  24;) having carefully discerned that this is God’s call for us (Matthew 14 v 28.)

2 – A rebuking faith.

“By his faith he condemned the world. He did this in two ways:-

A – By his LIFE in terms of his example of faith, despite opposition and ridicule.

B – By his LIPS in terms of the message that he preached (2 Peter 2 v 5) calling forth repentance before the period of grace came to an abrupt end.

ChallengeDo you have a rebuking faith that by life and lip calls people to repentance and righteousness? A righteous life will heap judgement on the unrighteous, while a confidence in the power of the Gospel, (Romans 1 v 16) as well as urgency in its proclamation, will give people opportunity to respond before it is too late.

3 – A righteous faith.

“And became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.Unlike his peers Noah demonstrated a faith that pleased God, who in turn declared him to be righteous.

ChallengeDo you have a righteousness that comes by grace through faith? (2 Corinthians 5 v 21 & Romans 3 v 22.) It is not about what you have done for God that counts, but what he has done for you (Philippians 3v 9.)


Service Details

Theme: “A flood of faith!”
Reading: Hebrews 11 v 7 & Genesis 6 v 9 – 22
Preacher: Chris Hughes
Led by: Robin Brenchley

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