Sunday October 11th 2020. We continue our sermon series entitled ‘Joy Bringers’. This week’s preaching comes from Nathan Gordon.
As we continue our sermon series entitled “Joy Bringers” today’s sermon is based on the Joy found in prayer (Asking). John chapter 16 can be likened to a classroom or even a pre-season training program geared towards preparing the disciples for what’s to come in the near future. Jesus being the greatest teacher of all takes the time to explain what the disciples can expect to happen as a result of their faith in Christ.
Pre-season training is not the most enjoyable part of the season for professional athletes, because they have to push their bodies to the limit in order to be physically and mentally prepared to compete throughout the course of the main season. In contrast, Jesus knew the disciples would experience difficult times ahead and He didn’t want them to be left unprepared for the obstacles ahead.
Could you be in a pre-season moment in your life? Is God preparing you for something in the near or long term future? – As we peruse the classroom of Jesus and His disciples let’s see what items were on the agenda.
1) There will be rough times ahead (1-4 & 16-23)
- Disciples will be thrown out of the meeting places
- Experience severe persecution
- Would become Marty’s for their faith in Jesus
- Jesus would no longer be in their presence physically
2) You will be guided by the Holy Spirit (4-7)
- He will lead you into truth
- He will comfort and guide you
- He will convict sin in the world
3) You will have direct access to the Father (23-24)
- You can ask the father directly in Jesus Name
- Priesthood of all believers
- No longer the need for a High Priest to bring the petitions to God on behalf of the people.
Application – God uses difficult times to mould us
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. ~ Isaiah 41:10
“Our vision is so limited we can hardly imagine a love that does not show itself in protection from suffering…. The love of God did not protect His own Son…. He will not necessarily protect us – not from anything it takes to make us like His Son. A lot of hammering and chiselling and purifying by fire will have to go into the process.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot
1) Has the Holy Spirit ever shown you that rough times are ahead? How did you feel and what was your response?
2) How has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit impacted your life in difficult moments?
3) Without meeting together in the church to pray collectively, how has your personal prayer life been impacted during the pandemic?
Sermon Details
Title: Joy in asking
Reading: John 16:1-4 & 16-24
Preacher: Nathan Gordon