We continue our NEW sermon series entitled “Overcoming Distance”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Beverley Sills.
Sermon Notes
The Situation – A concerned Father
The Apostle John had been at the very forefront of Jesus’ earthly ministry and witnessed his teachings first-hand. John was also present at the cross when Jesus was crucified. As an elder statesman in the church, John shares his concern for Christians to walk in the light of Christ whilst refuting the false teachings of men.
John’s desire was for Christians to enjoy a fruitful and vibrant relationship with God, through walking in step with Jesus daily.
But if we walk in the light. As he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. – 1 John 1:7
The complication –
Eradicate an unhealthy indulgence of the world – v15
- The World in the bible can refer to 1) The creation 2) The people 3) The Spirit of the world (Sin)
- John here is speaking about the spirit that controls the world, not the people
- Not everything in the world is sinful by nature but overindulgence in anything that distorts or interrupts fellowship with God can create distance in our walks with Him.
Challenge ~ Prayerfully, we need to examine our attitudes towards worldly possessions, pursuits, and passions and ensure that they do not take precedence over our relationship with God.
The Resolution –
Understand the causes of distance – v16
- John identifies three main components of the world’s value system
- Lust of the flesh = preoccupation with gratifying physical and carnal desires that can lead to sinful activity or worldliness.
- Lust of the eyes = the desire or obsession to accumulate material possessions or lusting after a person sexually who is not your spouse.
- Pride of life = an unhealthy obsession with status, importance, and power.
The Celebration –
Appreciate the value of eternal worth versus the temporal – v17
- The world’s value system is fleeting, it has an expiration date
- God’s will and his kingdom will reign and last forever
- Eternal life is only made possible through Jesus Christ, not the pursuit of worldly endeavours
Challenge ~Are we prioritizing the spiritual over the fleeting carnal nature? Only our actions for Christ hold eternal value.
Service Details
Sermon Title: It’s time to deal with distractions
Sermon Series: Overcoming Distance
Bible Reading: 1 John 2:15-17
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills