In this Easter Sunday service we have some good news to share, as we focus on the resurrection of Jesus.
Sermon Notes
The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ provides the centrality of the Christian faith. Today we celebrate the blessed truth that Jesus is not dead, but He is alive forevermore!
On that faithful early morning a beautiful day was received with doubt and unbelief. Mark records a trail of disapproving disciples who refused to believe the account of Mary Magdalene.
The trail of doubt and unbelief has continued to develop since the very first morning of the resurrection to today. People are still doubtful whether the resurrection actually occurred and unless they can see it with their own eyes they refuse to believe.
However, despite the Gruesome nature of Jesus’ suffering on the cross, and the trail of unbelief in the resurrection, the first day of the week recorded in Marks Gospel is a beautiful morning because:
The tomb was empty – v2-6
- the women were wondering who would be able to roll the stone away
- Upon arrival at the tomb the stone was already rolled away
- The angel bearing good news
Progressing from a Seeing is believing mentality – v14
- The disciples refused to believe the report of the eyewitness accounts of Encountering the risen Jesus
- The human flesh often relies on seeing in order to believe.
- Jesus commends the faith of those who believe without seeing the tangible proof of the resurrected body of Jesus (John 20:29)
Progressing to believing is seeing – v15-16
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Mark 9:23
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes
The finished work of the Gospel requires faith to believe in the saving plan of God through Jesus Christ for our sins.
In verse 15-16 Jesus commends his disciples to preach the gospel throughout God’s creation and whoever believes will be saved.
Despite none of us being present physically at the cross or the tomb on the first day of the week. By faith through grace in the Lord Jesus all of us were present in the mind of Christ when he fulfilled the mandate on his earthly life.
Are you walking by faith and not by sight? Are you walking in accordance with the powerful truth that Jesus is alive forevermore?
- What are Mary Magdalene and Salome discussing in verse 3? Based on their actions up to this point, is there any indication they believe Jesus might not be in the tomb? Why or why not?
- Are there any promises God has made to you in which you lack confidence or faith? Are there any areas of your life that reflect unbelief in what God has said He will do?
- Could you describe a moment in your life when God met you in your weakness and unbelief and showed you who He really is? Were you terrified, as the women were? How did you respond?
- What is the first command given to the women upon seeing that Jesus has risen? What might we learn from this command today?
- How has the truth of the resurrection impacted you personally?
Sermon Details
Sermon Title: It’s a beautiful Day
Bible Reading: Mark 16:1-16
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills