We begin October with a baptism service, which also includes a NEW sermon series entitled “Have you packed The Essentials?”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Brian Dickson.
Sermon Notes
What is Doctrine?
The term “doctrine” may be seen as outdated and formal by many people today. However, in simple terms, doctrine means “instruction,” and biblical doctrine refers to the fundamental teachings and principles of the Christian faith. Biblical doctrine helps us understand the nature and character of God, His plan of salvation for the world, and His will and instructions for His church.
Have you packed the essentials?
Our new series will cover some of the fundamental and core doctrines of the Bible that every believer should be familiar with concerning the whole story of God through His word. Whether this series serves as a refresher, I pray the Lord will speak something new and fresh through His word. Whether you are listening to doctrinal teachings for the first time, everyone can gain something valuable and inspiring from God’s word.
The Complication – Who cares about doctrine?
Paul foresaw a time when people would no longer follow God’s teachings but would seek out teachings that cater to human desires instead.
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:3
There is a way that appears to be right,
Proverbs 14:12
but in the end it leads to death.
The Resolution & Celebration
O – One problem – Deut 6:1-3
- Moses ensured the Israelites understood the instructions and guidelines for life before they entered the promised land
- The problem was not with the instructions, the issue was the nation of Israel struggled to obey the Lord’s commands.
- The sinful nature was widespread, and the Mosaic Law emphasized the fact that humans are unable to obey the law by their strength. Therefore, the law points to someone who fulfilled the law, paving the way for grace through Jesus.
Life Application – Even though we are no longer under the old covenant, the problem of sin and disobedience against the one God still exists today. The good news for us is that we have a solution through the one God who sent his only son into the world on our behalf (Romans 6:23).
N – No other god – Deut 6:4
Whenever you see god in lowercase in the Bible it refers to false idol gods of man. God in capital refers to the One true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The Bible teaches that God is one, which is one of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
- In Moses’ day, other nations worshipped various gods and would carve graven images, etc.
- Israel was to worship and obey the instructions of the one and true living God.
Life Application ~ Just as in the days of Moses, people may intentionally or unintentionally worship false gods and idols of man above the one true God. Let’s be intentional that our worship is directed towards the one and only true God of the Bible.
E – Embrace The ONE with all you have – Deut 6:5
- Israel was encouraged to prioritize God and love Him with all their being (heart, soul, and strength).
- Deuteronomy 6:4-9 contains the most important prayer in Judaism, known as the Shema. Jesus reiterated this prayer in Mark 12:28-30.
- Baptism is a declaration of one’s faith, love, and devotion to God.
Life Application – “When you fall in love with someone, there is a change in your thinking, outlook, and actions as you seek to demonstrate your love in ways that will please the individual. Just as in Israel, God desires us to seek Him first above anyone and everything else. (See Matthew 6:33)”
- The doctrinal teaching on monotheism is the belief in ONE GOD, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How would you describe How God is One yet three persons (The Trinity) to an unbeliever? (Think of supporting scriptures)
- In the sermon notes the acronym ONE starts with the One problem of sin. How would you encourage someone through scripture who believes there is more than one way to God and eternal life? How does the Shema prayer (Deut 6:4-5) help to answer the question?
- Read Matthew 22:36-38. Why do you think Jesus identified this as the greatest command?
- How can one apply the principle of the Shema in today’s context?
- What methods can you employ to keep God’s word close to your heart daily?
- Why is teaching the next generation about faith deemed crucial in this chapter?
- How do we balance the teachings of Deuteronomy 6 with the challenges and influences of the modern world?
Service Details
Sermon Title: It all starts with one
Sermon Series: Have you packed The Essentials?
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-7 & 14-15
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Brian Dickson