This week we have a believers baptism service. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Terri Whiston.

Sermon Notes

Introduction & The Situation
– Lonnie & Chuck’s disagreement scene

After witnessing significant growth, baptisms, and healings, Lonnie and Chuck find themselves at odds over the church’s future direction.

The Complication
– There’s a difference between Stewardship vs Ownership
– v28-30

Motives – And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col 3:17)

Challenge ~ Remember that any success we enjoy is possible only through God’s grace. Leaders in the church and the world are stewards in leadership positions for seasons that God allows. Any fruit or success is a direct result of God’s power, not ours.

The Resolution
– Humility is a great teacher – v31-35

Challenge ~ We must never allow the spirit of dictatorship to rule in the church. God is in control and calls us to serve his priorities in His kingdom. When we see fruit and success, we should direct the glory and adoration to God alone.

The Celebration
– God’s grace is sufficient even for the proud and arrogant – v36-37

“Everything he does is right, and he does it the right way. He knows how to turn a proud person into a humble man or woman.”
Dan 4:37 (MSG)

Challenge ~ As humans, there are times when we, like Lonnie and Nebuchadnezzar, lose sight of putting God first, and instead rely on our own strengths and abilities. It’s important to remember that God is faithful and just to forgive us when we stray, and to use the lessons we learn to bring us back to a place of worship and devotion.


  1. Read Daniel 2:1-13 Discuss your observations of Nebuchadnezzar’s character even before he was driven out of his kingdom in chapter 4.
  2. Have you ever experienced issues with a bossy person at work, church or in your family? How did it make you feel and how did you address the matter?
  3. Read Daniel 4:1-3 & 28-30 What do you notice about the two contrasting statements from the King, how does this relate to us today?
  4. Verse 29 tells us that a whole 12 months separated the initial warning Nebuchadnezzar received and the judgment against him to bring about his humbling. What does this imply about God’s ways with us?
  5. How can we as modern believers be watchful against the same pitfalls that led to Belshazzar’s downfall?

Service Details

Sermon Title: Have you made it all about you?
Sermon Series: Message in the Movie
Bible Reading: John 13:1-17
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Terri Whiston

Service Audio here

View Service Video here