Finding joy in Monday mornings 

We come to the end of our sermon series entitled ‘Life Priorities’. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Dani Osoba.

Life Priorities

2 Thessalonians 3:6-15

Nathan Gordon

Dani Osoba

Sermon Notes

The situation
– “I just can’t stand Monday mornings”

“It’s not difficult to understand why Monday is a despised day for many people. You get used to the weekend and to sleeping in, and after two days of doing whatever you want, you’re back in the world of work. You’re tired, you’re cranky, and you would much rather be at home, sleeping. I mean, who doesn’t prefer weekends, right?”

– Harriet Genever

Many people prefer a life filled with leisure, travel, and pursuing their passions; however, for most, work is not just necessary but vital for supporting ourselves and our loved ones.

If you find it hard to feel joy on Monday mornings, whether it’s the first day back to work or even if you’re retired with memories of those early workdays, today’s message offers a fresh perspective. It encourages us to discover joy, even in the midst of Monday mornings.

When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.

– Ella Woodward

The Problem
– Too much time on our hands is not always a good thing v6 & 11

What if we could just all quit working? Well that’s exactly what some of the Christians decided to do in Thessaloniki.

Application – This serves as an important lesson for us today. While work can be challenging at times, it provides structure, purpose, and focus in our lives. If we find ourselves meddling in the affairs of others and gossiping, it may be a sign that we have too much free time. Even in retirement, keeping meaningful diary entries is a valuable habit that helps keep us active and engaged.

The Solution
– Work is not just practical, its pleasing to God. – v12-15 (see also Gen 2:1-9)

Application – Seeing work as more than just a way to earn money highlights the spiritual significance of what we do. Our work can glorify God and serve as a platform for His mission, even in the workplace. It’s an exciting opportunity to be a vessel for Jesus across various careers, jobs, and tasks.

The Celebration
– Pay Day is great but Peace is priceless v13-16

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.

Application – Despite the challenges we face in our work lives, we can find peace that transcends our circumstances. Take heart in knowing that God sees and acknowledges your hard work, and He is with you throughout the week in your professional life.

Discussion Questions

1. In verse 6, Paul instructs this church to “keep away” from any brother who refuses to work. Do you think this is an extreme response? Why or why not? Consider verse 14 as well.

2. In verse 9, Paul explains that he and his companions had every right to expect the church to support them financially as they ministered to them spiritually. Yet, he did not avail himself to this right, for their sakes. In what areas have you decided to forgo your rights for the sake of others?

3. One of the problems with the brothers who refused to work is that, in their idleness they became busybodies (1 Thess 4:11; 1 Tim 5:13; 1 Pet 4:15. Also Prov 16:28; 17:9; 11:13; 26:20-22; 25:9-10). They were gossips who meddled in other people’s business. In what ways do you believe being a busybody might be damaging to a church?

4. Consider the fact that Paul told this church to “keep away from” and “have nothing to do with” a brother who refused to work, gossiped, or disregarded the things in this letter. Do you think a modern church would handle these specific issues in this way? Why or why not?

5. According to verse 15, Paul would have this church regard the disciplined member, not as an enemy, but as a brother. How would this affect the way that the church treated this person?

6. Discuss an example of how you experienced God’s peace, help, protection at work?