We conclude our sermon series entitled “Theology from the ocean”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by David Casse.
Sermon Notes
Recap from the past 2 sermons
Week One – The ocean teaches us that God is in control beyond the deep which is beyond our power as human beings. Sometimes we struggle with being in control because we are comfortable with having the first and last say or making decisions according to our own preferences.
Week Two – The ocean teaches us to trust God during chaos and storms. Remember it’s easy to judge from the comfort and safety of the boat. Secondly, recognise you are not alone in the deep of your situation. Thirdly realise we have the ultimate life jacket who is Jesus Christ our saviour and Lord.
Today we conclude our 3-part series ‘Theology from the Ocean’ with a final lesson from the lake (Sea of Galilee). The mechanics of the ocean is a wonderful reminder of the providential care of almighty God. From the Sea, we have different types of fish that provide nourishment to our bodies. Whether it’s Salmon, Tuna, Halibut, Sardines, Cod, Anchovies, Herring, Mackerel, or you name it, God has given humanity dominion over the fish in the sea. (See Gen 1:26-31)
However, on this occasion in Matthew 17 Jesus demonstrated the sea does not only provide for our nourishment but through a miracle He was able to pay the temple tax from a coin in the fish’s mouth.
The ocean teaches us that God is not only in control, but He is also Jehovah Jireh our provider. What a blessed thought to know God provides for our needs and our daily portions.
Quote from C Spurgeon
“A Daily portion is really all we need. We do not need tomorrow’s supply, for that day has not yet dawned, and its needs are still unborn.”
A Final Lesson of Humility from the Lake – v24-27
- Jesus as the true King of Kings should not be subjected to the temple tax.
- Jesus demonstrated again His humility and servanthood to comply with the tax.
- Although we are citizens of the kingdom of God, we are still subject to the laws of the land.
- We may not always agree with those in authority, but our attitude of love and respect reflects God’s kingdom of peace.
Challenge – Sometimes we may feel entitled to certain privileges, but Jesus teaches us to remain humble even when we have a valid right to argue.
A final lesson of the abundance of God’s provision
- The initial question posed to Peter was directed to Jesus. “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”
- The miracle from the lake not only provided enough money to pay for Jesus’ tax but there was enough to cover Peter’s also.
- The Coin in the fish’s mouth was the equivalent of 4 days’ wages.
- Paul recognised God can do more than we can even ask or think. – See Ephesians 3:20-21
Challenge – The miracle at the lake teaches us that God is the great provider of our lives. Whenever you run into difficulty or have a great need. Trust God in prayer for the provision to be supplied and God has a way of even going beyond what we ask for.
- Read Genesis 1:26-27 and Matthew 17:24-27. Discuss the connecting points from the OT & NT passages.
- In what ways do Christians not fit in or belong in our culture?
- How do God’s laws and human laws fit together?
- How is it possible for us to both serve Christ and obey the government?
- In what ways (if any) are Christians “above the law”?
- How do non-Christians react when Christians act as if they don’t have to comply with worldly laws?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Final lessons from the lake
Bible Reading: Matthew 17:24-27
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: David Casse
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