This week concludes our sermon series entitled ‘The Road to Easter’. Service led by Kuda Osoba. Preaching from Nathan Gordon.
Sermon Notes
You have arrived at your destination.
Throughout March, we have traced the path and explored some of the significant events that led to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We followed his journey from Jericho to Jerusalem, from the garden of Gethsemane to the place known as the Skull of Golgotha. Finally, we saw his lifeless body being placed in a borrowed tomb, only to be raised back to life in a breath-taking manner. Today we celebrate his resurrection, and we say with joy, “He is risen! Christ is risen indeed!”
The Situation (Luke 24:1-2)
– It’s all over, He’s Dead…or so they thought!
Luke’s account of the resurrection describes a group of women, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and others, who went to the tomb with spices to anoint the dead body of Jesus Christ. These women were faithful in observing and upholding the Sabbath day (Saturday).
- Early in the morning on the first day of the week, the women went to the tomb, expecting to find Jesus’ deceased body.
- They had prepared spices to properly prepare Jesus’ body for burial.
- There are times in our lives when we feel like it’s all over; like there’s no more life left in us or concerning a situation.
- However, it’s important to remember that it’s not over until God says it’s over.
Challenge – Death can be difficult to comprehend because it has a finality attached to it; it’s the end of the road from an earthly point of view. The women were emotionally all over the place, but they desired to offer their teacher dignity by ensuring his body was properly prepared with spices and perfumes.
The Complication (Luke 24:3-8) ~ They forgot the memo.
“Why do you look for the living among the dead?”
- The group of women who were present with the 12 disciples would have heard Jesus speak about his upcoming suffering, death, and resurrection.
- Despite their doubts and the gruesome nature of his death, they might not have considered the possibility of his resurrection.
- This reminds us that sometimes in our humanity, we can forget or overlook God’s promises through his word. We may get so preoccupied with our present circumstances that we lose sight of the truth.
Challenge – When in doubt, we should return to the memo (the Word of God) and remind ourselves of the truth contained therein.
The Resolution (Luke 24:9-12 & 46-49)
– Resolve to share the exciting news.
“When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others.”
- After being equipped and renewed, the women came back from the tomb with exciting news to share with the eleven disciples. They shared everything they had seen and heard from the angels.
- The women must have been wondering if the disciples would think they were crazy or if anyone would believe their report.
- However, the women were unashamed to share the miraculous news of the resurrection.
- In a patriarchal society where men were the dominant figures, it was the women who were responsible for sharing the good news with the eleven disciples.
Challenge – The women were the first to witness what had taken place at the tomb and they shared the news with others. It’s delightful to know that God can use anyone, regardless of their background or status, to share his good news. Let us continue to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, just as it’s written in Romans 1:16.
The Celebration – (Luke 24:36-45)
– Dead people cannot eat.
“Do you have anything here to eat?”
- After the women reported seeing Jesus risen from the dead, the eleven disciples still had doubts about the resurrection.
- Even after Peter witnessed the strips of linen lying by themselves, they were struggling to understand what had happened.
- However, Jesus was patient with them and showed them his hands and feet, allowing them to touch him. Despite this, they still did not believe until Jesus asked for something to eat, which opened their minds to the truth of the resurrection.
- This story reminds us to be patient with those who doubt or do not believe in the Christian faith.
Challenge – Let’s be patient and prayerful with unbelievers or those who are still trying to understand the Christian faith. Even the disciples who walked with Jesus had doubts, so it’s natural for many in our community to have doubts about the resurrection. However, through the work of the Holy Spirit, minds can be opened to the gospel, whether it happens instantaneously or through a journey.
- In this series, we discussed Jesus’ conversation with his disciples as he prepared them for his death and resurrection. (See Luke 18:31-34) Despite the clarity of Jesus’ teaching, why do you think both the disciples and the women were not expecting the resurrection? What does this say about our humanity?
- What are your thoughts on surprises? Do you like or dislike them?
- Why is it crucial to read and review God’s word, particularly in times of distress? (See Luke 24:44-45)
- Christ showed patience with the moments of unbelief or lack of understanding of his disciples. In what areas has Christ displayed patience with you?
- Read Luke 24:33-35. Whenever we have good news, it’s challenging to keep it to ourselves, and we find ways to share it with others. (Read John 1:41-42). Who in your life do you need the courage to share the Gospel with? What is holding you back from sharing it with that person?
- How does Christ’s resurrection affect our daily walk with the Lord? How does it impact our interactions with the world?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Did you get the memo? The funeral is cancelled!
Bible Reading: Luke 24:1-12 & 36-49
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Kuda Osoba