Welcome to out first morning service in April. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by David Casse.
Sermon Notes
Today, we welcome Ricky, Jade, Jacob, and Jude to SBC with delight. We are excited to have them join our church family and community. Ricky, after a long process, has been called to serve as the youth leader, and this morning’s sermon will centre on Christian service and officially induct Ricky into his new role.
No man has ever served God by doing things tomorrow.
Charles H Spurgeon
The Situation
– The call to serve 1 Timothy 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the command of God our Saviour and of Christ Jesus our hope.
- Paul understood that God mandated the calling on his life to serve, not man.
- Individuals can play a part in offering guidance and support, but ultimately, the call to serve comes from God.
- Paul asked Timothy to serve as Pastor in Ephesus, but God initiated the call on Timothy’s life.
- God has called Ricky first to live and serve Christ for His glory.
- Like Paul, the church has discerned Ricky’s character, gifts, and calling on his life to serve the young people and the church.
Challenge: Not everyone is called to the specific role of Youth leader, teacher, or preacher, but every Christian is called to serve. Do you recognise God’s call in your life? Where is He calling you to serve?
The Complication
– The Call to protect (The Task of the servant) Ch 1:3-5
As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer. Or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies.
- The church in Ephesus was located in an environment plagued with pagan worship and ideologies.
- During his third missionary journey, Paul spent about three years teaching in Ephesus and rebuking false teachings against the gospel.
- Today’s context is not dissimilar; young people are exposed to various teachings, ideologies and worldviews that can contradict God’s word.
Challenge – Ricky will encounter divergent perspectives that young people are confronted with. The world will try to lure our youth away from the truth. Ricky, along with our Sunday school teachers, will be responsible for imparting sound doctrine. Let’s pray for all of them as they strive to teach the truth and guard against myths and false doctrine.
The Resolution
– Remember the brief – ch 3:1-16
He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?
- As we serve Christ in the world, we should strive to be a good example in our conduct.
- Christian leaders must seek to balance ministry and family lives effectively. (This can be extremely challenging)
- Regardless of the role, we should all seek to be a good example and role model of Godly behaviour to all
Challenge – How can we help Ricky balance his ministry and work life? Let us be mindful that Ricky is a husband and father as well as a youth leader of the church.
The Celebration
– There’s no exclusive club; all are called to serve! Ch4:12-14
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
- Sometimes, comparison can be a stumbling block to getting involved in Christian service. For example, one may feel that one is too young, too old, or not gifted enough.
- Paul encouraged Timothy not to allow his age to prevent him from being an example to all believers, both young and old
- All of us weather are called by God to serve his purpose and be an example to others.
Challenge: Timothy was entrusted to serve as an elder in a church that faced serious issues on a daily basis. Yet, with the help of God and guidance from his mentor, Paul, he was able to serve well. God has work for each of us to do. Let’s get involved and play our part for the glory of God.
- What can we see about the relationship between Paul and Timothy? See 1 Tim 1:2, 1:18
- Timothy and Ricky were blessed with a grandmother who encouraged them to follow Christ. Who made a positive impact and influence in your life that steered you in the direction of Jesus, and what key things did they do? (See 2 Timothy 1:3-5)
- Discuss the enormity of the task before Timothy to look after the church in Ephesus. Think about the context of pagan influence/idol worship and false teaching in comparison to the task of leading young people in today’s context. What challenges will Ricky face?
- Why is Paul a good example for anyone who doubts whether they are good enough for God to use them for his glory? See 1 Tim 1:12-16
- How we fight is just as important as what we fight for. What does Paul mean when he says to “wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience”? See 1 Tim 1:18-20
- What advice would you give all ministry staff and Christian workers on balancing ministry and family life?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Dear Timothy, Ricky & SBC, from Paul
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 1:18-19
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: David Casse
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