We continue with our NEW sermon series entitled “Have you packed The Essentials?”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Beverley Sills.
Sermon Notes
Recap to Sermon 1
Last week, we began the series by discussing the doctrine of monotheism and the Trinity. This key biblical teaching deepens our understanding of God as One being in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We also covered the definition of doctrine, which is ~ Didaskalia in Greek = Teaching, Instruction, that which is taught, a set of beliefs)
This week…
Today, we are adding another vital doctrine to our spiritual backpacks: The Authority and Inerrancy of Scripture. Why do Christians regard the Bible as the ultimate authority for life and church governance? Can we truly rely on an ancient text for our lives? Let’s explore this fundamental doctrine together, discovering joy and inspiration within the 66 books of the Bible.
The Situation
– 2 Timothy 3:14-17 & 2 Peter 16-21
- Both Paul and Peter were nearing the end of their earthly lives
- Paul’s letter was personal to Timothy, and Peter’s letter was addressed to Christians in various regions
- Both Apostles were passionate about ensuring churches would continue to believe and teach doctrine that is centred on God’s word and not from human origins.
Encouragement – Paul and Peter would be glad to see that in the 21st century, despite the prevalence of false doctrines and numerous human teachings, there are still churches and believers globally that share the truth of God’s word and the message of salvation. May the truth of God’s word continue to be proclaimed!
The Complication – Can we trust the Bible is God’s word? – 2 Tim 3:8-9
Some reasons why people reject the Bible
- Contradictions ~ Some believe the Bible is plagued with inaccuracies
- Lack of relevance ~ Some believe the Bible is outdated and written for a generation that is incompatible with life and society today
- No Authority ~ Some believe the books of the Bible are just nice words written about God from the opinions and thoughts of men.
- The Bible is sexist ~ Some believe the Bible encourages Men to be superior to Women.
- Inclusion of Violence ~ Some believe the accounts of Murders and people being slaughtered are proof the Bible is not God’s word
Encouragement ~ For instance, the four gospel accounts reflect the witnesses’ observations, emphasizing differing aspects based on the writers’ perspectives. While certain elements may vary among the accounts, they all agree on the core narrative: Jesus Christ died for our sins and resurrected on the third day.
The Resolution & Celebration
– You can’t argue with personal experience
– 2 Tim 3:15 & 2 Peter 1:16-17
- Paul, Peter, and Timothy each had personal encounters with Jesus and the word of God that reflected their authentic experiences of God in action.
Challenge ~ While some may debate and doubt the written word of God, the personal experience of living the Gospel in our daily lives serves as a clear testament to God’s reality and involvement in one’s life. It often isn’t about persuasion; instead, it’s about letting your actions reflect God’s love and power.
- Imagine you are explaining 2 Timothy 3 verses 16 and 17 to an unbeliever, what would you say?
- In what ways does society today love pleasure more than God, and how can Christians counter this trend? (See 2 Tim 3:4)
- How does knowing that ‘all Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ affect your approach to Bible study?
- Based on Paul’s description, how do you determine if someone is a false teacher?
- At the end of verse 17, it tells us that the result of Scripture’s work in our lives is to equip us for every good work. How has God’s Word helped to equip you for the ministry God has for you to do?
- look up these additional passages. How does each one contribute to our understanding of the importance of scripture for our lives?
- Psalm 1:1-3 Psalm 119:9-11 Proverbs 30:5-6 1 Peter 1:20-21
- Apply it: If the Bible is as important for our lives as we say it is, what will you do to increase your intake of God’s Word?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Can I really trust an old book with my life?
Sermon Series: Have you packed The Essentials?
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 & 2 Peter 1:19-21
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills