We begin a NEW sermon series entitled “Overcoming Distance”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Terri Whiston.
Sermon Notes
The Situation
Elijah, the Lord’s prophet, reached a point in his life where his problems became overwhelming to the extent that he contemplated ending his life. Suicidal thoughts often arise from feeling burdened by challenges that seem impossible to bear alone.
Elijah was a remarkable prophet, known for his boldness and courage in standing up against Ahab and the prophets of Baal. However, even this great Hebrew prophet reached a point where he felt distant from God and life.
There are far, far better things ahead than anything we leave behind.” – CS Lewis
The Complication ~ Don’t elevate your problems above God – v4 & 10
- Jezebel’s threat to kill Elijah was like the tip of the iceberg, it pushed Elijah too far.
- Sometimes we can feel like we are being pushed too far beyond our capacity to cope or even survive in life
- Elijah overlooked the point that Jezebel is no match for God and his protection
Challenge – Like Elijah, life can become extremely challenging at times, but always remember to view your problems in comparison to the unlimited power that comes from God. No problem is bigger than God.
The Resolution ~ Determine to remember past wins – 1 Kings 17 & 18
- Jezebel’s threatening behaviour was not the first problem that Elijah had to deal with
- Elijah could have drawn strength from all that God had done for him in chapters 17 & 18
- Confronted Ahab and pronounced no rain for an extended period, obeyed God’s instructions to hide in a ravine and be supplied with food and drink each day, was miraculously served by a widow and healed her son from death, defeated the prophets of Baal in a dramatic showdown.
Challenge – Remembering God’s faithfulness in past trials and challenges is a great source of encouragement for what we may face in the present. God is faithful and his mercies are new every morning.
The Celebration ~ Decide to look forward with hope – 2 Kings 2
- Elijah still had work to do and much to live for which would not have come to pass had God answered his prayer to end his life in the wilderness
- Elisha became a loyal protégée for Elijah and asked for a double portion of Elijah’s anointing to succeed in his work
Challenge – Like Elijah don’t allow our problems to hinder our fellowship with God and halt the work God has in store for us in the future. Younger people are watching us, they are watching how we deal with problems so they can face their challenges in faith with God.
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever had moments like Elijah, where you just wanted to die? What kept you going?
- How does God’s care of Elijah encourage you personally? – see 1 Kings 17 & 18
- From watching the news, reading the paper, and scrolling social media we are inundated with information. Our bodies can become weighed down with too much information and breaking news. Elijah needed to rest his body and be restored (read 1 Kings 19:5-7). Discuss how you find ways to rest in God both physically and spiritually to be recharged.
- Can you relate to Elijah’s highs and lows in your own spiritual life? Which would more accurately describe you right now?
- How might this passage encourage you in the dark times of your life?
- How might this passage challenge you in the ‘spiritual highs’ also?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Are your problems driving you away from God?
Sermon Series: Overcoming Distance
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-13
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Terry Whiston