Sunday June 28th 2020. We continue our sermon series entitled ‘Opening Times’. Preaching from Chris Hughes.
We continue our sermon series entitled ‘Opening Times’.
The service will also include communion.
Some journeys are joyful, some are sad. This one, involving two disciples journeying the 7 miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus as the light faded on Easter day, fell into the latter category. As they trudged wearily home-wards they were joined by none other than the risen Christ, whom like Mary Magdalene (John 20 v 14) they failed to recognise, because God had providentially placed a veil over their eyes.
The reason for their sadness was that they had invested all their hopes and aspirations in Jesus, whom they believed to be the Messiah. But he has since been crucified, and all that they had longed for was now dead and buried with him.
The stranger rebuked their scepticism and dullness, as he often did with his disciples (Matthew 16 v 22 – 23) but always because he loved them (Revelation 3 v 19.)
Challenge – Is Jesus rebuking you about something?
To remedy the situation, there followed a masterclass of a mobile Bible study, which the two disciples later described as Jesus having – “opened the Scriptures to us.” So, what happens when the Scriptures are opened to us? The story offers 3 exciting possibilities: –
1 – The Scriptures expound the complete story.
Returning to the original division of the Old Testament (OT) Moses and all the Prophets (Matthew 7 v 12 & Luke 16 v 29 & 31) Jesus taught them the complete sweep of redemptive history.
Take home truth – The importance of preaching and reading the OT for a balanced diet and for a thorough knowledge of God’s salvation plan (Acts 20 v 27.)
2 – The Scriptures evidence the central saviour.
The main subject of the OT is Jesus himself (John 5 v 39.) And not only did the two on the Emmaus road recognise Jesus in the Scriptures, when they arrived at their destination and he broke the bread, their eyes were opened and they realised who it was who had been walking with them and teaching them.
Take home truth – Jesus is to be found on every page of Scripture, with all the verses and passages, even if they do not mention him by name, standing in relation to him and all that he has done (e. g – Genesis 22; Exodus 12 & Isaiah 53.)
3 – The Scriptures enflame the Christian’s soul.
All of a sudden, their doubts disappeared, and it all made sense. Their hearts became warm (Jeremiah 20 v 9) and they immediately returned to Jerusalem to tell of their encounter with the risen Christ in word and in person.
Take home truth – If you want to experience the burning heart then time needs to be given to getting to know the Word of God (Psalm 39 v 3) as well as the God of the Word (Philippians 3 v 10.) All of which will result in a desire to tell others.
Personal Questions.
- What is your attitude towards the Old Testament? In the light of the sermon does it need to change at all?
- How do you go about finding Christ on every page on the Old Testament?
- What do you need to do deepen your understanding of the Word of God; to deepen your relationship with the God of the Word; and to spread the fire within your heart to others?
Suggested suitable songs
- Ancient words
- Lord thy word abideth
- Jesus be the centre
- This is the air I breathe
- Thine be the glory
Sermon Details
Title: A mobile masterclass!
Reading: Luke 24 v 13 – 35
Preacher: Chris Hughes