Sunday March 14th 2021. We continue our previous sermon series ‘Faulty Heroes’. This week, preaching is from Nathan Gordon, and Our virtual service will be led by Brian Dickson.
We continue our previous sermon series ‘Faulty Heroes’, with preaching this week from Nathan Gordon.
Sermon Notes
Much has been said this week around the world about the controversial tell-all interview with Meghan, Harry and Oprah Winfrey. The aftermath has caused heated debates on TV, Radio and across social media platforms, with the nation seemingly divided on whether the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were treated fairly or unfairly by the royal family.
A snap YouGov poll found 32% believed they were treated unfairly, while an equal proportion – 32% – did not, and 36% did not know.
Some 48% of 18-to-24-year-olds side with Harry and Meghan, but 55% of over-65s support the Queen.
Whatever your personal opinion is of Meghan, Harry and the Royal family, the issues raised in mental health, suicidal thoughts, lack of support, racism, and family struggles are relevant issues prevalent in our society today. – There is somewhat of a biblical link to another woman who experienced emotional pain of another kind.
First, Samuel introduces a Family from Ramathaim who, like Meghan and Harry, experienced family issues of their own. Hannah’s soul was crushed as she could not have children, which her counterpart Peninnah used against her by taunting her barren state. As a result of Hannah’s growing frustration, she decided to stop eating and be reduced to tears on several occasions. Hannah eventually pulls herself together and heads to the sanctuary to pray and worship God. After years of waiting and being mocked, she finally gave birth to Samuel.
You and Me?
How do we deal with family feud’s, misunderstandings, unkind words from a loved one?
What do you do if the relationship between parents and children are currently in a difficult place?
How do we deal with bullying at work and being taunted like Hannah?
Like Hannah, what do you do if your heart is crushed because you desire something that seems beyond your reach?
Pull yourself together – v9
- Don’t hideaway in a state of mourning
- Get to the sanctuary (For us, the sanctuary does not have to be the church building, wherever God is, there is SANCTUARY)
Pray because all things are possible with God – v9-11
- Hannah repeatedly sought times of prayer and communication with God.
Learn from Hannah’s expectation – v18-20
- After prayer, her face became radiant even before the prayer was answered
- She regained her appetite before the answered prayer
- Her faith increased that God could perform the miraculous even before she became pregnant
Whether it’s the Royal family, Hannah’s family or families worldwide, we all go through difficult moments where forgiveness and healing are required to move forward as a unit. Let us learn from Hannah and turn to prayer instead of gossip and playing tic for tac, which only worsens the problem. Through prayer and talking through the issues, God will help us work through the issues and restore relationships and friendships. Like Hannah, even when it looks impossible, with God, all things are possible.
- Why do difficult times make us aware of our need for God? Share about a time when you’ve seen this awareness in your life.
- Hannah gave her child to the Lord. This must have been a challenging thing. How can we commit our children to the Lord? How can we give back to God the things he has blessed us with?
- What practical steps can we take to encourage our families or household to serve God in this day and age?
- How was Mary’s song (sometimes called the “Magnificat”) similar to Hannah’s prayer? What was celebrated in each?
Sermon Details
Sermon Title: Meghan, Hannah, You & Me!
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1-20 [MSG]
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Brian Dickson