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Freedom In Christ- continues Wed 4th May

Session 13 – Wednesday 4th May 2016


“Freedom in Christ”-discipleship course

The Freedom in Christ course is for those who have been Christians for a long time; as well as being suitable for those who have more recently come to faith. It focuses, not on how to behave, but on how to believe, and is designed to:-


  • Enable you to spiritually mature, by being fruitful and reaching your full potential in Christ.
  • To uncover areas of spiritual deception holding you back.
  • To help you resolve personal and spiritual conflicts.
  • To enable you to renew your mind and break free from negative thinking and unhelpful patterns of behaviour.


The course begins by reminding us of some key truths of who we are in Christ (Sessions 1 – 3); teaches us how to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil (sessions 4 – 7); and how to break the hold that the past has on us (sessions 8 – 9.)

There will then be a ministry component, where we will be gently and sensitively led through the seven steps that will set us free, as we meet with Christ and respond to him.

The final section (sessions 10 – 13) concentrates on walking in and maintaining our new found freedom in Christ.


We will be running the course weekly on Wednesday

afternoons (2 – 4pm) and evenings( 7.45 – 10pm)

beginning on January 13th and finishing on May 4th with breaks for half term and Easter. The steps to Freedom in Christ ministry day will be on Saturday March 19th.


Each session will begin with a short time of worship and will include a number of teaching presentations on DVD, which we will all share in together. Then at appropriate times, we will split up into small groups with a trained leader, to discuss the implications of the teaching.

We would like as many as possible to share in this course, so please add your name to the list on the notice board so that we can order the required amount of material. Who knows, it could change your life!

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8 v 32.)

If you want to know more speak to Chris Hughes or take a look yourself on the FIC website, http://www.ficm.org.uk/


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