Sunday Morning: February 9th 2020 – 10:30 am. Continuing the sermon series entitled “Sketches of the Son of God”. Service led by Brian Dickson.

The 5th in our series of sermons entitled “Sketches of the Son of God” looking at some of the portraits of Jesus in John’s Gospel.


The name and fame of a miracle worker tends to spread far and wide, and so when Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee he was visited by a “royal official” who travelled 20 miles to beg of him to come and heal his seriously ill son. What follows reveals five aspects of faith:-

1 – Crisis Faith.

He had presumably tried everything else, all to no avail. And so now, as a last resort he came to Jesus to beg for healing for his son.

Take home truthWhy not turn to God in your crisis; you never know what he might do!

2 – Confident faith.

Without going anywhere near Capernaum where the son resided, Jesus said to the desperate father – “your son will live (for other examples of distant healing see – Matthew 8 v 5 – 13 & 15 v 21 – 28.) The man believed the words of Jesus, and even though he had no proof that his son had been healed, he acted upon those words and returned home.

Take home truthThe need to take Jesus at his word and to act upon it, even though there may well be no evidence as yet to support that which has been promised (John 20 v 29 & Romans 1 v 17.)

3 – Confirmed Faith.

On the journey home the man was met by some of his ecstatic servants who told him that his son was well, the fever having departed. A little cross referencing determined that his healing happened at exactly the moment Jesus had said – “your son will live.

Take home truthThe promise will eventually become a possession, but it might take a while as in the case of Abraham and the promise of a son (Genesis 15 v 4 – 6, 21 v 1 – 5 & Romans 4 v 18 – 25.)

4 – Courageous Faith.

The response of the father was to believe, a bold and courageous decision, because as a “royal official” presumably in king Herod’s court, being a believer in such a sceptical environment, characterised probably by mockery and ridicule, would not be easy.

Take home truthBelieving in Jesus involves courageously counting the cost, as the Christian life is more persecution than picnic (Matthew 16 v 24, Hebrews 11 v 32 – 37 & 2 Timothy 3 v 12.)

5 – Contagious Faith.

Not only did he believe, but so did all his immediate family and the household’s servants. The miracle would have made an impression on the others, but so it would seem did the man’s faith which was winsome, attractive and caught by others!

Take home truthOur Christian faith is personal, but it should never be private, as we spread the fragrance of Jesus wherever we go (Acts 16 v 30 – 34.)


Service Details

Theme: “Flourishing Faith”
Reading: John 4 v 43 – 54
Preacher: Chris Hughes
Led by: Brian Dickson

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