Image of Wise men on their journey to Belthehem.

God, Where is My Vote?

It’s that time of year we once more turn our attention towards the birth of our Saviour. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Beverley Sills.

Matthew 1:18-25

Nathan Gordon

Beverley Sills

Sermon Notes

Most Christians salute the sovereignty of God but believe in the sovereignty of man – RC Sproul

The Situation – God, where is my vote?

Sometimes, God intervenes in our lives and makes decisions without seeking our opinions, thoughts, or preferences.

v18 His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.

Challenge ~ Like Mary and Joseph, there are moments in our lives when divine interventions shock and surprise us. God may intervene in ways we never prayed for or even thought possible. Can we trust God when decisions are made according to His sovereign will, even if we didn’t specifically ask for them?

The Complication
~ God, this doesn’t make any sense

v19 ~ Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

Challenge ~ No one could blame Joseph for his initial reaction; however, behind what seemed nonsensical was a miraculous plan from God. Have you been left baffled by the plan of God in your life?

The Resolution & Celebration
~ Resolve to accept that God’s will is best

v24 – When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.

Challenge ~ Joseph’s spiritual eyes were opened through an angelic vision in a dream. The mystery was made clear to him, leading Joseph to accept the sovereign will of God. Whether we understand or find it difficult to grasp God’s plan, may we trust in His sovereign hand each day. Even when a decision seems unfavourable within the larger context of God’s divine counsel, He knows what is best for us.

Discussion Questions

  1. Psalm 115:3 says, Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.” Have you ever considered that God can do whatever He wants and there are no limitations other than lying or failing. In one sense, God is the only one who is “free” to do as He pleases. What does this mean about His sovereignty?

2. Living in a democracy offers numerous advantages and protects citizens from dictators and autocratic rule. However, how do we reconcile democracy with God’s sovereign will in the world and in our daily lives?

3. How does the sovereign will of God play out in the ministry of the church?

4. Mary’s pregnancy was a shocking revelation. Matthew recounts how Joseph struggled to understand the situation and considered ending the engagement privately. Have you ever grappled with God’s will? What helped you navigate the process??

5. Have you ever desired something so intensely that you convinced yourself it was because God wanted you to have it? Why isn’t a strong desire always a reliable indicator of God’s guidance?

6. Why is Job 1:21 important for understanding and accepting God’s will?