Author: SBC Website Administrator
A Reflective Service
A Reflective service with David Casse speaking and service led by Kuda Osoba. This service includes Communion.
Don’t go chasing waterfalls
We continue our NEW sermon series entitled: “The Playlist of Life”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. This service also includes baptism.
Youth led – ALL AGE service
An afternoon ‘All AGE’ service led by Dani Osoba and our church youth team. Service begins at 3.30pm.
Diamonds are Forever
We begin a NEW sermon series this week entitled: “The Playlist of Life”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon.
Praise & Worship Evening
A Praise and Worship evening with the SBC worship team. Worship led by Linda Knowlton.
Should we really be concerned about the numbers?
This week we conclude our sermon series: “Growth Check”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Terri Whiston.
The Millennium and the Day of the Lord
We return to our study of End Time events according to scripture. In this penultimate session, our study will major on the ‘Day of the Lord’.
Why don’t you see things my way?
We continue the sermon series entitled “Growth Check”. Preaching from David Gordon. Service led by Beverley Sills.
A Reflective Service
A reflective service with Alan Cole which includes Communion. Service led by Ian Stride.
Fruit of a spiritually mature Christian
We begin a NEW sermon series this week, entitled “Growth Check”. Preaching from Erik Pattison. Service led by Bex Ratchford.
Youth led – ALL AGE service
An afternoon ‘All AGE’ service led by Dani Osoba and our church youth team. Service begins at 3.30pm.
Should we observe the sabbath today?
This week we conclude our sermon series entitled “It’s time to REST”. Preaching from Brian Dickson. Service led by Kuda Osoba.