We continue with our new sermon series entitled ‘The Church Growth Toolkit’. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by Beverley Sills.

Sermon Notes

The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit have limitless potential to transform lives to follow the example of Jesus and impact the world through evangelism and kind-hearted service. Paul opens chapter 12 by highlighting the importance of a renewed mind if we are going to effectively serve Christ in the world. Paul makes clear the necessity of spiritual transformation in the mind to fulfil the acceptable and perfect will of God.

Challenge – Are we making room for the Holy Spirit to renew our minds each day so that we can offer worship that is pleasing to God?

The 12th Chapter of Romans combines three main themes

1. Christians are called to be a LIVING Sacrifice

the new covenant through Jesus Christ no longer requires the sacrifice of animals for the remission of Sin. The way we live our lives can now offer a pleasing sacrifice to God through worship and obedience to His will

2. Christians are called to SERVE in the Church & world

The One body of Christ is made up of various members who are blessed with various gifts to be used in service.

3. Christians are called to LOVE everyone

the challenge from Paul is for the church to love even those we may find difficult to love or forgive. 

All three of the above themes require each individual member of the body of Christ to participate.

“If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” – Fred Rogers

As we consider the following points recognise you are vitally important to God and as members of the body of Christ!

Everyone is important – v4-8

– Christ only has ONE body

– Each member of the body may have different gifts or functions

– Gifts are given by Grace, not by favouritism

Everyone should serve with enthusiasm – v11

– Because the cause is great, the church should rise to the task with great energy and fervour.

– Service in the church is part of our worship to the Lord

Are you utilising the tools God has blessed you with to serve His church and the world?

Do you feel a sense of lethargy in Christian service and towards working for the Lord in his church?

Today, ask the Lord in prayer to reveal ways in which you can start or regain a newfound passion to get involved in Christian service. IT STARTS WITH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!

Service Details

Sermon Title: It starts with me
Bible Reading: Romans 12:1-21
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills

Download Sermon here