In this weeks’ sermon we look at the God who speaks. With preaching from Brian Dickson and our service led by Beverley Sills.
Sermon Notes
We pick up the story of Elijah and his escape from the clutches of Jezebel, who put out an assassination order on his life. Elijah sought refuge in God. So how did God deal with Elijah when he was at his lowest point?
God Listens – [19:8-10]
- Elijah ran from the reach of Jezebel
- Elijah found himself in a place of despair and discouragement
- Elijah sought sanctuary on God’s holy mountain
What are you doing?
Elijah saw how Israel had turned their backs on God, and how they had killed God’s holy prophets, and now they were seeking to kill him too. Elijah fled and sought sanctuary in God’s holy mountain (Horeb), but what reasons did Elijah give to God for going there?
God Speaks – [19:11-13a]
It is not uncommon for people to seek a sign from God as a method of confirmation for something. God can easily perform mighty signs, but as he showed Elijah, when it comes to a personal communion with God, it is often in the stillness and in quiet where he is found.
How does God speak to us today?
In times past, God spoke through his prophets to keep people on that straight and narrow path. Today, Jesus points us towards God and we can find all we need in the Holy Bible and through the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.
God Answers – [19:15-18]
Today, if we need help from God, the best place (apart from church) to commune with God is in prayer and in a quiet place. Here it is just yourself and God. [Matthew 6:6]
The bible lets us know that as Christians, we not only have the ear of God, but that the results of our prayers can be powerful. [James 5:16-18]
God is listening – you need to get to your quiet place and speak with God.
Our caring God
God has not left us to guess for ourselves. We have the preserved Word of God to inform and to guide. We also have help from the Holy Spirit, who abides in us, and he hears our prayers when we call out to him.
Finally, we have our Great Shepherd who is always with us, now and forevermore. Amen
Running from danger
Elijah ran away from danger to find safety.
- Was it right that Elijah fled to safety, or should he have faced down Jezebel as he did with the false prophets?
- How should we use Elijah’s example in our lives, how can we stay safe from danger? (Proverbs 22:3)
Seeking signs
God revealed to Elijah that he was not in the big powerful signs, but in a still small voice.
- Are Christians right to seeks signs from God as a method of confirmation?
- Do Christians need signs to know God’s will?
Seeking God
Elijah ran to God’s holy mountain, he sought help and refuge from God.
- Can we really expect God to help us every time we come across difficulties?
Do we struggle to go to God in prayer or search the bible for answers when we need him, if so, what can we do to overcome any obstacles?
Service Details
Sermon Title: The God who speaks
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 19:8-18
Preacher: Brian Dickson
Worship Leader: Beverley Sills