Sunday July 11th 2021. We continue with our *NEW* sermon series entitled ‘Nehemiah’, with preaching from Nathan Gordon and our (virtual) service led by Brian Dickson.

We continue with our *NEW* sermon series entitled ‘Nehemiah’, with preaching from Nathan Gordon and our (virtual) service led by Brian Dickson.

Sermon Notes

There are countless online tutorials and tips available to anyone desiring a big move that is practically useful. For example, here is a list of 7 tips for moving from

  1. StartPlanning Your Move
  2. GatherMoving
  3. Downsize your belongings.
  4. Stop Buying New Stuff.
  5. Arrange for Travel During Your
  6. Check out Your New location.
  7. Find a New Home.

Despite such tips above being helpful there is a major aspect missing from the list that Nehemiah included as a top priority on his moving list – GOD!

What does God say about your desire to move?
Is it Gods will for me/family to move?

After receiving the bad news about the state of Jerusalem’s walls, the first item on Nehemiah’s agenda was to Pray – Ch1:4-11

Nehemiah’s prayer included:

What did Nehemiah’s prayer accomplish?

How often do you pour out your heart to God?
How often do you give him specific requests to answer?
Do you find yourself making plans first and then including God in the process after?

As we survey the scene of Nehemiah’s inspection of Jerusalem’s walls and spiritual condition of the nation, what can we glean and apply to our context today about the state of our community, nation, and the world?

The move might not necessarily be changing a postcode but maybe there is a desire to see renewal and change within your local community today.

Survey the condition of the area – V13-16

Plan the course of action – V17-18

Rest in God’s authorisation and ignore the doubters – V19-20

House Group Questions

Sermon Details

Sermon Title: How do you plan a big move?
Bible Reading: Nehemiah 2
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Brian Dickson

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