Sunday April 19th 2020. Looking at the resurrection of Jesus Christ, was it real or was it fake? Preaching from Nathan Gordon.



The service will also include “virtual communion,”
if you want to share in this you will need to supply
your own bread and wine in advance.



The Las Vegas of AD 50! Corinth was a thriving and significant city in the Roman Empire, known for its prime location for trading, business and different cultures both Jews and Greeks. Corinth was also known for its sexual immorality with an infamous reputation for prostitution and the worship of multiple false gods. Within this context, Paul armed with the Good news of Jesus, through teaching and preaching caused a Holy Revival in the city. Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God and the Church was growing. However, it seemed The Gospel in which they gladly received was now being challenged societally, and questions were being raised whether the resurrection of Jesus Christ was genuine or a Big Hoax! – word on the street was strongly rejecting the resurrection, which impacted the church as their faith in the Gospel was tested.

Paul dedicates 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 to address the resurrection of Jesus personally and to prove, establish and defend the full Gospel message. Last week we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday and Today similarly to Corinth people are either skeptical or flat our disapproving of the resurrection of Christ.

Today we are going to address a popular and relevant question over the centuries “Was the Resurrection of Jesus Real or Fake?”
Through this powerful Chapter, let us consider Paul’s case to affirm the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ as central to the Christian faith.

Clear Evidence – Verse 3-11
– Scripture tells of the resurrection v3-4
– The roll call of witnesses v5-7
– Personal Testimonies v8-11

Essential or Non-Essential? – Verse 12-14

Eternal ramifications – Verse 19-22


Challenge – Like Paul, we must be ready and willing to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ especially with key fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, such as the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul declared – This Message on which you took your stand and by which your life has been SAVED.(V1-2) Continue to share your testimonies of how you came to Christ-Like Paul they inspire, challenge and warm the hearts of humanity towards the loving Saviour.


Before the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit came upon individuals only on certain occasions for special tasks. But now, after the Resurrection, Christ through the Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of every believer to give us supernatural power in living our daily lives.
– Billy Graham



Sermon Details

Theme: The Resurrection – Real or Fake?
Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-22
Preacher: Nathan Gordon

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