Sunday Morning: October 13th 2019 – 10:30 am. Continuing our sermon series ‘The greatest prayer ever prayed’. Service led by Richard Sills.

The second in the ‘The greatest prayer ever prayed’ series of message.

Surrendering one’s life to the cause of following Jesus has been in the past and continues to be today a major challenge, as it poses a variety of questions, feelings and emotions that can often result in procrastination, delay and even rejection of Christ’s beckoning call to follow.

I have heard many responses over the years from “Why should I follow Jesus? “I’m not lost”, “I don’t need saving!” “I am a good person I give to charity” Many over the years have rejected whether Jesus alone has the authority to gain humanities entry into Heaven, some have labelled Jesus a fake and the Christian church a waste of time. Some have decided to place their trust and confidence in what they determine to be a god in their own eyes.

However, this morning through this incredible prayer in verse 2 and 3 Jesus outlines the divine authority given to him by his Father to 1) have dominion over all flesh, 2) Offer eternal life to all through his impending death, burial and resurrection 3) To restore humanity back to God by dispelling the power of sin that caused separation from the Father.


Power/Authority over every human – Verse 2A


Everyone is welcome, but everyone may not take up the invitation – Verse 2B


How to receive Eternal Life? – Verse 3



Service Details

Theme: Is Jesus in charge of your life?
Reading: John 17 v 2 – 3
Led by: Richard Sills
Preacher: Nathan Gordon

Download Sermon Here