We begin a NEW sermon series this week entitled: “The Playlist of Life”. Preaching from Nathan Gordon.
Sermon Notes
Today is the launch of a brand-new series entitled – The Playlist of Life. Songwriters throughout history have used music to express the issues, joys, pain, and frustrations of the heart. From the Bible to Christian and secular songs, you will find there’s a song in this world that is relevant to your current season in life today.
Quick challenge – think of a song that currently fits your season in life today?
Track One
Today’s track is best known as the soundtrack for the 1971 James Bond film entitled Diamonds Are Forever. The film is based on the investigation of a criminal enterprise surrounding the procurement of diamonds. The goal was to acquire the diamonds to build a giant laser which would make the gang extremely wealthy.
Shirley Bassey’s soundtrack song for the movie depicts the pursuit and desire to have something that lasts forever. The lyrics summarise the pursuit of humanity today, as people are looking for fulfilment and satisfaction.
Snippets from the song
Diamonds are forever
They won’t leave in the night
I’ve no fear that they might desert meI can see every part
Nothing hides in the heart to hurt meI don’t need love
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me
For when love’s gone
They’ll luster onDiamonds are forever
Sparkling ’round my little finger
Unlike men, the diamonds linger
Men are mere mortals who
Are not worth going to your grave for
Recognise the difference between death and life – v1
- Paul reminds the church in Ephesus of their former lives without Christ – dead in transgressions and sins.
- According to the natural eye death and life are based on what we can see, feel and do.
- The spiritual realm is completely different – you can be alive physically but dead spiritually without Christ as your saviour.
Realise the difference between a counterfeit and a genuine diamond – v2-3
- The diamonds offered by Satan and this world may appear enticing, fun, and fulfilling. But they don’t last forever!
- Satan presents himself to the world as something beautiful to lure people into his trap. (John 12:40)
- The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)
Remember where you are going in Christ (HEAVEN) – v6-10
- Eternal life is the quality of life that begins on earth and continues in Heaven. (For those who are saved by God’s grace)
- Because of Christ’s resurrection, we know that our bodies will be raised from the dead (I Cor 15:2-23)
Challenge – Eternal life is guaranteed to all of humanity, but the question is where will we spend our eternal lives? If we reject the fake diamond of this world (Satan) and embrace the true light of the world (Jesus) then we can be assured of our salvation through Christ. (See 2 Thess 1:9)
1. Before you came to know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, what knowledge did you have of the devil and his influence in the world?
2. Take a look at these lyrics of the song – I don’t need love
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me
For when love’s gone
They’ll luster on
Why do you think many have turned away from the possibility of finding true and unconditional love in replace of other things in this life?
3. (Hypothetical Question) If you were to ask non-Christians the question – Who is the devil and what influence does he have in the world today, what do you think some of the answers will be?
4. What reasons have you heard people give for the direction they’re going in life? What forces lure or compel people to go in the wrong direction spiritually and convince them to cheerfully remain there with a false confidence that everything is, okay?
5. (Read verses 8-10)Why do you think it is hard for people to accept God’s grace as a free gift? When is it difficult for you to be a recipient of God’s grace?
Service Details
Sermon Title: Diamonds are Forever
Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:1-20
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Nathan Gordon
Service Audio here
View Service Video here